Last Friday we had interim presentation of our design project 'Habitat'. For me it was a possibility to self estimate my ability to present my design and get feedback from more than 1 person (tutor) – there was 2 tutors, 3rd year student and peers as well.
Just day before I collected my design info and tried to get out from my laptop as much as possible, I decided that my struggling with the form of the building is finished. It was very long and not too much time left till the final review – just 2 weeks. And I have so many things to do more. But... after the presentation I am changing my design again! Why? Because something does not satisfies neither tutor nor me. The whole form or one particular part of the roof? The position and form of windows? What else?
In this post I would like to show the evolution of my idea and by the way, optimise the textual part of my presentation.
The main aspects of my design are: site analysis, clients and architecture precedents.
The main aspects of my design are: site analysis, clients and architecture precedents.
Firstly, site.
Kenmore is a small village on the coast of Loch Tay surrounded by hills of Breadalbane. The building site is located on a peninsula and this location is very visible from entire surroundings, moreover best views are seen particularly from this site. The best view is on Ben Lawers over the north side of Loch Tay, which is a bit under height of 4000 feet.
Kenmore has a quite long and significant history. For example, the Kenmore Hotel which was built in 1572 and probably is the oldest inn in Scotland. The local architecture consists mostly of dwelling houses built from the end of the 18th century till nowadays. Common feature for most of the old buildings is double pitch roofs with very steep slope - about 60 degrees. Houses that are built in last decades uses less slope - about 45 degrees.
Second aspect is clients.
My virtual clients of this project are very interesting persons. They are: businessmen Tony (Soprano), student Bella (Twilight) and artist Tracy (Tracy Emin). 
Last aspect - precedents.
These precedents represent different style of architecture and different features whose I decided to analyse.
First is Walsh house designed by British minimalist John Pawson. This precedent is significant with strong respect of local context because village has tight planning restrictions in the interest of preserving towns historical character.
Form of the building is very modest and pure, plans - logic and clear.
Form of the building is very modest and pure, plans - logic and clear.
Next precedent is Y house designed by Steven Holl. It represents separating day – night, public - private activities – as result it is consist from two volumes with different functions whose intertwine from upstairs to downstairs creating a different domestic movements.
Third precedent Mobius house designed by Ben van Bercel interweaves the various activities of people's life into one structure - work, socialising, family and individual time. I choose Mobius house to analyse daily circulation through the house and separating functions.
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